Novogodišnja čestitka za 2025. godinu
Kraj godine je idealan trenutak za sumiranje rezultata i planiranja predstojećih projekata. Realizovani projekti u 2024. godini ne bi postigli uspjeh da nije bilo neizmjerne podrške i učešća članova Instituta. Zahvaljujemo Vam na brojnim uspješnim trenucima koje smo zajedno dijelili i želimo da u narednoj godini bude još mnogo više takvih iskustava!
Institut računovođa i revizora Crne Gore Vam želi uspješnu 2025. godinu i sretne predstojeće božićne praznike.
Zvaničnu čestitku možete pogledati u Galeriji.
As the holiday season approaches, the Institute of Accountants and Auditors of Montenegro would like to extend our warmest greetings to you and your esteemed organization.
We sincerely hope this festive period brings joy, peace, and happiness to you, your team, and your loved ones. May the New Year bring new opportunities, inspiring achievements, and continued success in all your endeavors.
Thank you for your valued partnership and trust throughout this year. We look forward to strengthening our collaboration in 2025 and achieving even greater milestones together.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
Official greeting card can be found in Gallery.
Warm regards,
Institute of accountants and auditors of Montenegro